interior lighting fixtures Carmel, CA, custom lighting

4 Powerful Reasons to Update Your Interior Lighting Fixtures

Updating your interior lighting fixtures can have numerous benefits for your home. Not only can it enhance the aesthetic appeal, but it can also improve energy efficiency, increase home value, and provide better lighting quality. In this article, we will explore these five benefits in detail, highlighting why updating your interior lighting fixtures is a worthwhile investment.

Understanding the Importance of Interior Lighting

Before delving into the benefits of updating your interior lighting fixtures, it is essential to recognize the significance of lighting in interior design. Lighting plays a crucial role in setting the mood, creating ambiance, and highlighting key features of your space.

When it comes to interior design, lighting is often an underestimated element. Many people focus solely on choosing the right furniture and decor, neglecting the impact that lighting can have on the overall look and feel of a room. However, lighting is equally important as it can transform the atmosphere and enhance the aesthetic appeal of any space.

Properly lit spaces can appear more inviting and spacious, while inadequate lighting can make even the most well-designed room feel dull and uninviting. The right lighting can make a small room feel larger, highlight architectural details, and create a warm and welcoming ambiance.

The Role of Lighting in Interior Design

Interior design is a multidimensional art form that involves various elements, including color, texture, furniture, and lighting. Each of these elements contributes to the overall aesthetic and functionality of a space. Lighting, in particular, has a significant impact on how a room is perceived and experienced.

Lighting can be used to define different areas within a room, such as task lighting for reading or studying, ambient lighting for creating a relaxed atmosphere, and accent lighting to highlight artwork or architectural features. By strategically placing different types of lighting fixtures, interior designers can create a dynamic and visually appealing space.

Moreover, lighting can also influence the color perception of a room. Different lighting temperatures, such as warm or cool lighting, can alter the way colors appear. This is why it is crucial to consider the color scheme of a room when choosing lighting fixtures.

How Lighting Affects Mood and Productivity

Lighting has a significant impact on our mood and productivity. Bright, natural light can uplift spirits, improve focus, and boost productivity levels. Natural light has been proven to enhance our overall well-being and mental health. It helps regulate our circadian rhythm, which is responsible for our sleep-wake cycle.

On the other hand, dim or harsh lighting can have the opposite effect, leading to fatigue, eyestrain, and reduced motivation. Poorly lit spaces can make us feel lethargic and hinder our ability to concentrate. This is especially true in work environments where adequate lighting is crucial for optimal performance.

When it comes to interior lighting, it is important to strike a balance between functionality and aesthetics. The right lighting design can create a harmonious environment that promotes both productivity and relaxation.

Benefit 1: Enhanced Aesthetic Appeal

One of the primary benefits of updating your interior lighting fixtures is the enhanced aesthetic appeal it brings to your space. Outdated fixtures can make a room look dated and uninteresting. By replacing them with modern fixtures, you can give your home a fresh and contemporary look.

Imagine walking into a room with old, dull lighting fixtures. The atmosphere feels lackluster and uninspiring. However, with the simple act of installing new lighting fixtures, the entire space comes alive. The room is instantly transformed into a vibrant and visually appealing environment.

Modern lighting fixtures have the power to create a captivating atmosphere. Whether you choose sleek pendant lights that hang elegantly from the ceiling, statement chandeliers that become the centerpiece of the room, or minimalist wall sconces that provide a subtle touch of sophistication, the right fixtures can elevate the overall aesthetic of your home.

Modernizing Your Space with New Fixtures

New lighting fixtures can instantly modernize your space, transforming it into a stylish and inviting environment. The impact is undeniable. The moment you step into a room with modern fixtures, you are greeted by a sense of freshness and contemporary design.

Picture a living room that has been updated with sleek pendant lights. The room feels more spacious and open, with the light cascading down and illuminating every corner. The once dull space is now a stylish and inviting place to relax and entertain.

With the right lighting fixtures, you can create a space that reflects your personal style and taste. Whether you prefer a minimalist and clean look or a more eclectic and vibrant atmosphere, there are fixtures available to suit every preference.

Complementing Your Decor with the Right Lighting

Updating your interior lighting fixtures also presents an opportunity to complement your decor. By selecting fixtures that match your existing furniture and color scheme, you can create a cohesive and visually pleasing environment. The right lighting can enhance the beauty of your decor, making it stand out and shine.

Imagine a dining room with a stunning wooden table and chairs. The room is adorned with warm earth tones and natural textures. By choosing lighting fixtures that incorporate similar materials and colors, such as pendant lights with wooden accents or bronze-finished chandeliers, you can create a harmonious and inviting space for family and friends to gather.

Lighting fixtures have the ability to highlight and accentuate the unique features of your decor. Whether it’s a piece of artwork, a beautiful rug, or a statement furniture item, the right lighting can draw attention to these elements and make them the focal point of the room.

When it comes to interior design, lighting is often underestimated. However, it plays a crucial role in creating a welcoming and visually appealing space. By updating your interior lighting fixtures, you can enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home, modernize your space, and complement your decor. The possibilities are endless, and the impact is undeniable.

Benefit 2: Improved Energy Efficiency

Another compelling reason to update your interior lighting fixtures is the improved energy efficiency they offer. Older fixtures often use outdated technology, consuming more energy and contributing to higher electricity bills. By upgrading to newer, energy-efficient fixtures, you can reduce your energy consumption and save money in the long run.

The Link Between Lighting and Energy Consumption

Lighting accounts for a significant portion of a home’s energy consumption. Traditional incandescent bulbs are notorious for their inefficiency, as they convert most of the energy into heat rather than light. This not only wastes energy but also adds unnecessary heat to your living space, especially during the summer months.

On the other hand, energy-efficient options, such as LED bulbs, are much more environmentally friendly and consume significantly less energy for the same amount of light output. By switching to energy-efficient lighting fixtures, you can make a positive impact on the environment while also reducing your carbon footprint.

How Newer Fixtures Promote Energy Savings

Newer lighting fixtures not only accommodate energy-efficient bulbs but also incorporate advanced technologies like motion sensors and dimmers. These features allow you to have better control over your lighting, resulting in reduced unnecessary energy consumption. For example, motion sensors can automatically turn off the lights when no one is in the room, eliminating the chances of leaving them on accidentally.

Dimmers, on the other hand, allow you to adjust the brightness of the lights according to your needs, ensuring that you only use the amount of light required for a specific task or ambiance. By taking advantage of these options, you can lower your energy bills without compromising on illumination or convenience.

Furthermore, newer lighting fixtures often come with built-in timers that allow you to schedule when the lights turn on and off. This feature is particularly useful when you are away from home for an extended period. By programming your lights to turn on and off at specific times, you can create the illusion that someone is home, enhancing your home’s security while also saving energy.

In addition to these technological advancements, newer lighting fixtures are designed with energy efficiency in mind. They are often made from materials that maximize light output while minimizing energy loss. The fixtures are also engineered to distribute light more evenly, reducing the need for additional lighting sources and further lowering energy consumption.

Lastly, it is worth mentioning that investing in energy-efficient lighting fixtures may make you eligible for various rebates and incentives offered by utility companies or government programs. These incentives can help offset the initial cost of upgrading your fixtures, making the transition to energy-efficient lighting even more financially beneficial.

Benefit 3: Increased Home Value

Updating your interior lighting fixtures can also enhance the value of your home. When potential buyers visit a property, the quality and functionality of the lighting system significantly contribute to their overall impression.

Lighting as an Investment in Your Property

Investing in updated lighting fixtures demonstrates to potential buyers that you have taken care of your home and paid attention to important details. It showcases the thought and effort you have put into creating an inviting and well-lit space, which can make your property more appealing and increase its market value.

Attracting Potential Buyers with Good Lighting

Well-lit spaces have universal appeal, making them more attractive to potential buyers. Highlighting the key features of your home through strategic lighting can create a memorable impression and set your property apart from others in the market. By updating your interior lighting fixtures, you are not only investing in your own enjoyment but also increasing the desirability and value of your home.

Benefit 4: Better Lighting Quality

One of the most direct benefits of updating your interior lighting fixtures is the improvement in lighting quality. Outdated fixtures may provide inadequate or uneven illumination, impacting visibility and overall comfort.

The Impact of Lighting Quality on Vision

Poor lighting can strain your eyes and cause discomfort, especially in areas where tasks requiring focus and attention are performed, such as reading or working. Insufficient lighting can also create shadows and glare, hindering your ability to see clearly and exposing you to potential accidents or injuries.

How Updated Fixtures Provide Better Illumination

Newer lighting fixtures are designed to provide more even and consistent illumination throughout your space. By choosing fixtures that distribute light effectively and utilize technology like diffusers, you can eliminate harsh shadows and minimize eye strain. With better lighting, you can create a more comfortable and visually pleasing environment for daily activities.


Updating your interior lighting fixtures offers numerous benefits that go beyond visual appeal. It improves energy efficiency, enhances the value of your home, and provides better lighting quality for your everyday activities. By considering these five benefits, you can make an informed decision to update your interior lighting fixtures, transforming your home into a well-lit and enjoyable space.

Commercial lighting solutions are crucial for any commercial space, whether it’s a retail store, an office, or a restaurant. Not only does it impact productivity, but it can also influence the overall ambiance and aesthetic appeal of your business. As a business owner in Salinas, CA, you want your commercial space to be both functional and visually pleasing, and that’s where custom commercial lighting solutions come into play. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of custom commercial lighting solutions and how they can enhance productivity and aesthetics for your business.

Why Custom Lighting Solutions Matter:

When it comes to commercial lighting, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Every business is unique, and its lighting needs will vary depending on its function, size, and design. Custom commercial lighting solutions take all of these factors into account, ensuring that your space is lit in a way that is both practical and visually appealing.

The Benefits of Custom Lighting Solutions:

1.  Increased Productivity:

Good lighting is essential for productivity. Proper lighting can improve focus, reduce eye strain and headaches, and create a more comfortable work environment. In commercial spaces like offices, retail stores, and warehouses, the right lighting can even increase employee morale and efficiency.

In addition, proper lighting in commercial spaces can also improve the overall safety of the environment. Bright lighting can reduce the risk of accidents and injuries by providing clear visibility, especially in areas where heavy machinery or hazardous materials are present. So not only does good lighting enhance productivity and create a comfortable work environment, but it also plays a critical role in ensuring the safety of your employees and customers.

2. Enhanced Aesthetics:

The right lighting can create a warm, inviting atmosphere for your business. Whether it’s highlighting specific features of your space or adding an overall ambiance, custom commercial lighting solutions can help you achieve the look and feel you want for your business. It can also make your business stand out from competitors and attract more customers.

3. Cost Savings:

One of the biggest advantages of custom commercial lighting solutions is their energy efficiency. By working with a professional lighting company to create a custom lighting plan, you can ensure that your commercial space is lit in a way that is both functional and energy-efficient. This can result in a significant reduction in your business’s electricity bills over time, as you will be using less energy to power your lighting.

One of the most popular energy-efficient lighting options available today is LED lighting. LED lights are highly efficient, using up to 80% less energy than traditional lighting options. This means that not only will you save money on your electricity bills, but you will also be doing your part to reduce your business’s carbon footprint.

Our Experienced Lighting Approach:

At The Home Lighter, we take a personalized approach to commercial lighting solutions. Our “by appointment only” philosophy ensures that we have the time to understand your specific needs and create a custom lighting solution that fits your business. We offer a wide range of lighting options, from accent lighting to task lighting, and we work with you to create a design that meets your aesthetic preferences.

Commercial Lighting Solutions in Salinas, CA:

If you’re a business owner in Salinas, CA, looking for custom commercial lighting solutions, look no further than The Home Lighter. We understand the importance of good lighting in a commercial space and can help you create a design that meets your needs and enhances your business’s productivity and aesthetics. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and start your commercial lighting project.

Custom commercial lighting solutions are a vital component of any business. From enhancing productivity to creating an inviting ambiance, the right lighting can make all the difference. At The Home Lighter, we offer a personalized approach to commercial lighting solutions and can help you achieve the look and feel you want for your business. Whether you’re looking to upgrade your existing lighting or starting a new project, contact us today to schedule an appointment and get started on your custom commercial lighting solution.

If you are looking to add updated lighting to your home or business, be on the lookout for these exciting trends in custom lighting design that we expect to see in 2023. Custom lighting add luxurious dimension to every professional business and home when applied correctly.

First, let’s define what custom lighting is. Custom lighting is lighting that is specifically designed to meet your needs and preferences. This can include everything from the warmth and brightness of the light bulbs you use to the style of the light fixtures.

What are some of the latest trends in custom lighting that we can expect to see this year?

  1. LED lighting: LED (light emitting diode) lighting has been around for a while, but it’s still a popular choice for custom lighting design. One of the main reasons for this is because LED lights are energy efficient and long-lasting. This means that not only will you save money on your energy bills, but you also won’t have to replace your LED lights as often.
  2. Smart lighting: Smart lighting is another trend that you can expect to see more of in 2023. With smart lighting, you can control your lights using your smartphone or a smart home device, like a Google Nest or Amazon Echo. This means that you can turn your lights on and off, dim them, or change their color all with the sound of your voice!
  3. Biophilic design: Biophilic design is all about bringing elements of nature into your home or business. This can be achieved through the use of natural materials, plants, and custom lighting. Consider using biophilic light in areas in a business that typically feel oppressive or confined. By using lighting to highlight natural features, like plants or wood accents, you can create a peaceful and calming atmosphere.
  4. Statement lighting: Statement lighting is all about making a grand statement with your lighting design. This could be through the use of bold and unique light fixtures or by incorporating lighting into unexpected places, like in hall walkways or spotlighting a piece of artwork.
  5. Sustainable lighting: With natural concerns about the environment, it’s not surprising that sustainable lighting is a trend to watch out for in 2023. This could mean using energy-efficient LED lights, as mentioned earlier, or using lighting fixtures made from recycled materials.

Now that you know the 5 latest trends in custom lighting design that you can expect to see in 2023, are you ready to apply these to your home or space? If you are interested in incorporating one or more of these trends into your home or business in Santa Cruz it is a good idea to contact a professional custom lighting designer. They will help you create a unique lighting plan to bring your vision to life. Not to mention, professional expertise will be sure the custom light is appropriate for your space.

Custom lighting design isn’t just about following the newest trending designs. It is also more about creating a strategy with lighting that meets unique needs and enhances the style and feel of your space. Whether you are applying custom lighting to a home that needs major updates, or a business to create a more professional and comfortable feel for clients, custom lighting provides benefits for everyone. A professional lighting designer will take the time to understand your goals and needs, and will work with you to create a lighting plan that is tailored to your specific needs.

If your home or business is located in Santa Cruz, CA and you are interested in applying custom lighting to enhance the feel of your space, consider these 3 things before hiring a custom lighting company:

  1. Look for a Santa Cruz lighting company that has a strong portfolio of completed projects. This will give you an idea of their style and the types of projects they have experience with. You should also look for a designer who is knowledgeable about the latest 2023 lighting trends and new technology.
  2. Ask for references from the company’s previous clients. This should give you an idea of the designer’s level of professionalism and the quality of the business’s work. It is also important that they are able to achieve the style you desire. 
  3. Discuss your budget with the designer at the start of the conversation. Custom lighting design can be a significant investment, so it’s important to make sure that you are comfortable with the cost before moving forward.

Everyone wants lower energy bills, but high-efficiency bulbs for lighting fixtures are expensive. Fortunately, you can save on custom lighting while still getting the results you want.

But first, you have to learn about your lighting options and decide how you want to use them.

If saving money is your top priority, go to the nearest big box or hardware store. Purchase the most efficient light bulbs you can find. Replace all of your existing bulbs with the ones you just bought. This technique will slash your energy usage immediately.

The only question is whether those high-efficiency bulbs will produce the desired effects. After all, aesthetics and functionality are what custom lighting is all about.

Illuminated areas should have a pleasing glow and sufficient light. The challenge is to find bulbs that create the desired ambiance and save energy dollars too.

Choosing the Right Custom Light Bulbs for Your Home

The last thing anyone wants is ugly lighting. Ugly lights make people look pasty-faced and hollow-eyed. Bad lights can irritate your eyes.

Even the most fabulous rooms can lose their appeal when illuminated with harsh, glaring lights that reveal every flaw, imperfection and blemish. Too much light creates a space that’s stark, bleak and intimidating. It is no longer inviting.

New Energy Efficiency Rules for Light Bulbs

President Biden is pushing to expand the use of high-efficiency lighting to conserve energy and save the climate.

Lumens measure how much light you get from a bulb for each unit of electricity used. A new rule that took effect earlier this year called for a halt in the production of light bulbs that emit more than 45 lumens per watt.

The new rules also allow for the application of the latest energy efficiency requirements to additional types of light bulbs. Fortunately, there are still high-efficiency incandescent bulbs that cast a luminous glow and meet the official government energy standards in the bargain.

Review All Your Custom Lighting Options

Getting the results you want is usually achieved by mixing and matching different lighting options to achieve layered levels of light.

You can learn a lot by purchasing sample bulbs in each category and experimenting with them. You might be surprised by the diversity of effects that each option or mix of options can deliver.

Three Steps to Choosing the Best Bulbs for Your Lighting Fixtures

Knowledge is power. The more you know about these light bulbs, the better equipped you’ll be to choose the right ones. To complete the three steps, simply learn all you can about LEDs, incandescents and CFLs. When you know what each bulb can do, you’ll know enough to choose wisely.

Homeowners generally have three choices when it comes to custom lighting options:

LED lights: pros and cons

These lights are all about energy efficiency. They burn for up to 100,000 hours and can last for 20 years. By contrast, incandescent lights burn for only 1,000 hours at best.

LED light bulbs use six times less energy than incandescents. They are exceptionally bright and have superior directional ability. They work well in parking garages, as street lights and for outdoor area walkways.

If you crave color, LED lights might disappoint you. They illuminate only a limited range of color compared to incandescents that reveal the full color spectrum.

The LED light bulb is not to blame for this. Rather, LED light manufacturers deliberately reduce the color rendering accuracy of their lights. Reducing the presence of color is thought to make LEDs brighter and more energy-efficient.

LEDs can emit their own colors. LED light strips and light panels can create powerful and unexpected accents in your home using color alone. LEDs can even be used to grow plants.

You may qualify for federal or state tax credits or financial incentives if you purchase energy-efficient products for your home or make energy-saving improvements in your primary residence.

Incandescent lights: pros and cons

Incandescent light bulbs are considered energy gluttons. They deliver only 750-1,000 hours of light per bulb compared to the 100,000 hours you get from an LED light.

Because incandescent lights emit heat, they can affect your heating and cooling costs. In cold regions, the heat from incandescent bulbs could reduce your heating bills. In warmer regions, the same heat can make your cooling costs go up.

Here are some additional advantages of incandescent lights:

CFL lights: pros and cons

Curlicue compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) work by running electricity through a tube that contains argon and mercury vapor. Invisible ultraviolet (UV) light is generated, and it stimulates a fluorescent coating inside the tube to produce visible light.

A 2012 study published in Scientific American revealed that CFLs can damage the skin, especially at close range.

Researchers at Stony Brook University found that healthy cells exposed to CFLs stopped growing and changed shape. Previous research had revealed that CFLs can harm previously damaged tissue and worsen chronic skin conditions.

Chips in the phosphor coating inside the spiral allow higher levels of UV light to escape from inside the bulb. UV emissions from CFL bulbs are thought to harm several layers of skin.

The researchers recommend avoiding CFLs at close range and shielding them behind glass barriers or enclosures. LED and incandescent lights produce no UV emissions. As such, they pose no risk.

CFLs are high-efficiency lighting options that are up to four times more efficient than incandescents. If you replace a 100-watt incandescent bulb with a 22-watt CFL, you’ll get the same amount of light.

These lights can be used anywhere you would otherwise use incandescents. CFLs work well in recessed fixtures, track lighting and ceiling lights. There are three-way CFLs and CFLs with dimmers.

A six-pack of CFL bulbs costs between $22 and $25. A six-pack of LED bulbs costs between $28 and $30. A six-pack of incandescents costs about $5.

Random Facts About Lighting

Lumens measure how much light a bulb will give you. Standard light bulbs have between 250 and 2,600 lumens. The more lumens, the brighter the light.

Energy-efficient lights generate 75% less heat than incandescents. That can lower your cooing costs. On the other hand, it could make your heating costs go up.

Energy Star LEDs use only 25% of the energy used by incandescents, and they last 25 times longer. Energy Star CFLs offer comparable energy savings, and they last 10 times longer.

To get soft white light, you have to find out the color temperature of a bulb. The color temperature is measured in kelvins. It’s a number between 1,000 and 10,000.

At 1,000, the color temperature is comparable to candlelight. Between 2,700 and 3,000, it’s warm and inviting. By the time it reaches 10,000, it’s like a clear blue sky.

Wattage measures energy use only. The lower the wattage, the less energy is used.

If you want your colors and textures to have high visibility, check the bulb’s color rendering index (CRI). It’s a number between 1 and 100. The higher the number, the better the quality of light.

Incandescent bulbs score close to 100 on this scale. LED lights score between 70 and 95, and the best CFLs score in the mid 80s.

To learn more about the transformational properties of custom lighting, visit The Home Lighter, Inc., at our residential lighting showroom in Santa Cruz CA.

Renovating a home in Monterey is an exciting project. And if you live in Pacific Grove or Carmel, you want your home to look beautiful inside and out. One way to accomplish this is with great interior lighting.

Lighting Design Basics for Your Home

Here are three things to know about lighting when renovating:

  1. Accent Lighting. Accent lighting is for highlighting a specific object or area. You can highlight a piece of art, entrance, plant, architectural detail, or some other area inside or outside of your home.
  2. Ambient Lighting. Ambient lighting is the main source of light in a room. Overhead light fixtures, chandeliers, and recessed lighting are examples of ambient lighting.
  3. Task Lighting. Task lighting provides light for a specific task or purpose. If you have a specific light for when you’re sewing, reading, cooking at the stove, or engaging in any other activity, you’re using task lighting.

Choosing the Right Light Bulb

Choosing the correct light bulb makes all the difference when it comes to lighting. It gets easier when you know what type of lighting you want – accent, ambient, or task. After you decide on the type of lighting, you’ll want to think about light bulbs.


Lumens represent the brightness level of a light bulb. If you want to know how much light a light bulb will produce, just look at its lumens.

The US Department of Energy suggests comparing lumens instead of watts when shopping for a light bulb. The higher the lumens, the brighter the light.

For adequate lighting, a typical bedroom or den requires about 10-20 lumens per square foot. And a kitchen or bathroom needs brighter lighting, at about 70-80 lumens per square foot.

When lighting a room for an older person or person with weak eyes, you’ll want to choose a high level of lumens. Refer to the following list for some common lighting situations:


Wattage has been replaced by lumens for determining bulb brightness. But it still helps to know that wattage is the amount of electricity a bulb uses. And a higher wattage equals a brighter bulb.

You’re also more likely to find an LED or CFL bulb as opposed to a traditional incandescent bulb.

An LED bulb is the most energy-efficient of them all. The LED also lasts longer, offers better brightness, and uses less wattage. It’s estimated that the average LED will last around 25,000 hours.

A CFL bulb requires more wattage than an LED. But a CFL uses less wattage than an incandescent bulb. And you can expect a CFL to last around 8,000 hours.

A traditional incandescent bulb is the worst when it comes to energy efficiency. Not only does it require more energy and watts than LED or CFL bulbs, but it only lasts around 750 hours.


Kelvin measures the color temperature of a light bulb. You might see it expressed as K on packaging for light bulbs. This measurement helps you determine which color you’ll get from the bulb. For instance, a bulb’s color might appear bright white or more bluish. Most bulbs range from 2,500K to 6,500K.

Reading a Light Bulb Label

Light bulb makers are required to provide lighting information on their packaging. It’s similar to the nutrition facts label on food packaging.
Light bulb packaging should include estimates of:

For example, an LED bulb might use 15 watts. The same bulb might
cost you about $1 year for an average of 15 years. And emit light that appears more like daylight because it has a 5,000K rating.

Now you’ve learned more than you ever thought you needed to know about light bulbs and lighting. But the information makes the next step so much easier.

Interior Lighting Tips for Various Rooms

Different rooms have different lighting needs. For example, a bedroom generally needs less light than a kitchen. Here are some lighting tips for six of the most common rooms in a house.

1. Bedroom

Choose lighting between 2,000 to 4,000 lumens.
You’ll likely want a center fixture to light the entire room for when you’re making the bed or getting dressed.

Add table lamps for when you’re trying to relax and only want a small amount of light. You could also choose to add dimmers to your bedroom lights.

2. Dining Room Lighting

Choose lighting between 3,000 to 6,000 lumens.
Make sure the lighting fixture above the dining table isn’t wider than the table. You might also want to consider adjustable recessed lights and light dimmers.

3. Kitchen

Choose lighting between 5,000 to 10,000 lumens in total.

You might find lighting the kitchen a bit challenging. For most people, the kitchen serves several purposes – from preparing dinner to doing homework. Here you can consider a ceiling fan, ceiling fixtures, recessed lighting, or pendants.

If using recessed lights, avoid placing them in the center of the ceiling. And for a kitchen island, consider pendant lights above the area. You want to avoid shadows over areas where you’ll prepare food.

4. Bathroom

Choose lighting between 4,000 to 8,000 lumens in total.

Ceiling fixtures generally aren’t the best for bathrooms. Instead, consider installing lights on the sides of your bathroom mirror. That’s better for activities such as shaving or applying makeup. Adding light above the shower or tub is a good idea as well.

5. Family Room / Living Room

Choose lighting between 1,5000 to 3,000 lumens in total.

Think about how you use the room. Do you sit and talk with friends and family? Watch television? Read? Flexible lighting is a good choice for a multi-use room.

6. Home Office

Choose lighting between 3,000 to 6,000 lumens in total.

Lighting for your home office depends on the situation. Do you often use a computer? If so, portable lamps can help avoid bothersome reflections on the computer screen. You might even consider accent lighting to highlight awards or diplomas.

Professional Advice for Your Lighting Needs

Good lighting is an important part of any renovation project. Or maybe you want custom lighting to change the mood of a specific room. Lighting is your chance to have fun and experiment with different options.

The Home Lighter, Inc in Pacific Grove specializes in exterior and interior lighting fixtures. Stop by their home lighting showroom in Monterey CA to discuss your lighting needs.